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Thursday, February 6, 2014

DataPower Best Practices

Lately I was trying to find some good documentation on best practices around DataPower.

Because DataPower is very flexible and provide many solution to a single problem, I have experienced that while putting a design around DataPower you can easily get into arguments (not very polite discussion) with other mates. Discussion can go which is best solution in terms of performance, maintenance & deployment.

I found is very hard to reach to one solution when few DataPower developers putting their own heads and trying to reach to a consensus. I then tried to find what IBM recommendation is and found this link.

Hope this link can help


Monday, February 3, 2014

Compare 2 DataPower Environment (Version 01)


FileDiff allows developers/administrators to compare 2 DataPower environments to compare. It’s a java based program which access XML Management Interface of DataPower to compare file system. Output of tool is formatted HTML.

How it works

FileDiff takes a property file as input which has details of DP boxes. The packaged jar run and creates a HTML output.

Download "FileSystemDiff.jar" & Sample Config file "CompareConfig.properties" file.

CompareConfig.properties file contains 2 entries, each for one box. You should have XML management interface privileges. 

#URL DataPower01

#URL DataPower02


Running the tool

> java -jar FileSystemDiff.jar  CompareConfig.properties

The output of this run would generate DiffOutput.html.

Remember the tool always generates output with name DiffOutput.html so rename or move existing report else new report will replace existing one. 

You can email if you need more information related to same. (rohit.goyal6@gmail.com)